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Language First

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Teaching resources and support materials for language lessons and lessons about languages.




Teaching resources and support materials for language lessons and lessons about languages.
German Basics: Unit of introductory lessons with detailed planning

German Basics: Unit of introductory lessons with detailed planning

A series of lessons to introduce German to pupils, comprising detailed lesson planning to accompany 5 powerpoint presentations and a range of supporting materials. Step by step exploitation of the resources is fully explained, providing complete support for the non-specialist. Speaking, listening, reading and writing skills are developed as pupils work towards participating in mini-conversations. Progression is obvious, both within each lesson and over the unit. The focus is on maximising opportunities to fully absorb and consolidate the language, developing confidence and independence as well as laying a sound foundation for future language-learning. Ideal for older KS2 pupils or Year 7. N.B. This is a fully revised and enhanced version of an earlier TDav resource.
French verbs lesson - introduce infinitives with dos and don'ts - powerpoint/worksheet/lesson notes

French verbs lesson - introduce infinitives with dos and don'ts - powerpoint/worksheet/lesson notes

A complete lesson (or 2) to introduce learners of French to the concept of infinitives, an essential step in the mastery of verbs. Using the context of classroom dos and don'ts, the 15 slide powerpoint presentation carefully structures the work and guides students through. Detailed notes for the teacher and materials for students are also provided. This resource can be used as a one-off or as part of a topic on school. It can be used with any students in the early stages of learning French grammar, particularly KS2/KS3/FIFTH GRADE/SIXTH GRADE/SEVENTH GRADE.
French verbs lesson - introduce infinitives with body parts - powerpoint, worksheet, lesson notes

French verbs lesson - introduce infinitives with body parts - powerpoint, worksheet, lesson notes

A complete lesson (or 2) to introduce learners of French to the concept of infinitives, an essential step in the mastery of verbs. Using the context of body parts, the 15 slide powerpoint presentation carefully structures the work and guides students through. Detailed notes for the teacher and materials for students are also provided. This resource can be used as a one-off (if students have or are given some basic body parts vocabulary) or as part of a topic on the body. It can be used with any students in the early stages of learning French grammar, particularly KS2/KS3/FIFTH GRADE/SIXTH GRADE/SEVENTH GRADE.
French Basics - Personal Question Assessment Activities

French Basics - Personal Question Assessment Activities

Two packs of assessment and monitoring activities for beginners, based on language commonly learned in the early stages i.e. name, age and how are you. Includes detailed notes for the teacher and all pupil resources. The speaking and writing resources provide opportunities for differentiation as well as self, peer and teacher assessment at Stages 1-2 and Stages 2-3, offering comprehensive assessment of progression at word/phrase, simple sentence and extended sentence level. Explicit links to the National Curriculum Programme of Study make the relevance of the activities clear. NB. The Stages refer to Languagesinprimaries KS2 Assessment Criteria (available on TES).
Building better sentences

Building better sentences

4 Resources
Encourage students to create better quality French sentences in any topic area with this bundle of flashcards, mini-word cards and pupil sheets. The materials present commonly used conjunctions, adverbs, time phrases and qualifiers in visual formats as an aid to memorisation and recall. The resources can be exploited frequently and in many ways making them a valuable tool in the MFL classroom.
Building Better Sentences – French frequency phrase flashcards and student sheets

Building Better Sentences – French frequency phrase flashcards and student sheets

Encourage students to create better quality sentences in many topic areas with this set of 11 common frequency phrases. The phrases are colour-coded according to frequency and are also presented in different ways as a visual aid to memorisation and recall. They can be used both to enhance sentences in context and to illustrate or introduce a point of grammar. Use one or more of the flashcards to introduce or consolidate the words, to stimulate longer sentences in whole class speaking activities, alongside other word cards to model sentence building, or for display. Select a phrase for students to use in a sentence as a starter or plenary or to provide extra challenge at any point. The student sheets group the phrases and could be cut up and laminated as a permanent stimulus resource for spoken and written work. A sheet presenting all the phrases is also provided, along with their English equivalents to cut up for a matching activity. Colour-coded and plain versions of the English sheets are provided for differentiation. Other 'Building better sentences' resources are also available.
Building Better Sentences – French adverb flashcards and mini-word cards

Building Better Sentences – French adverb flashcards and mini-word cards

Encourage students to create better quality sentences in every topic area with this set of 24 adverbs. The adverbs are presented in colour-coded pairs of opposites, as an aid to memorisation and recall. They can be used both to enhance sentences in context and to illustrate or introduce a point of grammar. Select one or more for students to use in a sentence as a starter or plenary or to provide extra challenge at any point. Have fun while consolidating basic sentence structures through the random selection of an adverb to add and demonstrate with an action or facial expression. The sheets of adverbs could be cut up for matching pairs of opposites or for matching to the English. Colour-coded and plain versions of the English sheets are provided for differentiation. The mini-word cards could also be laminated as a permanent stimulus resource for spoken and written work. Other 'Building better sentences' resources are also available.
Building Better Sentences – French qualifier flashcards and support sheets.

Building Better Sentences – French qualifier flashcards and support sheets.

Encourage pupils and students of all ages to create better quality sentences in every topic area with this set of flashcards and support sheets presenting 8 commonly used French qualifiers. Each word is presented differently, to provide a visual aid to memorisation and recall. Use one or more of the flashcards to introduce or consolidate the words, to stimulate longer sentences in whole class speaking activities, alongside other word cards to model sentence building, or for display. The word sheets present the qualifiers in 2 groups, so you can select which ones you want to print, and provide a stimulus for spoken and written work. Other 'Building better sentences' resources are available.
Building better sentences - French conjunctions - flashcards and mini-word cards

Building better sentences - French conjunctions - flashcards and mini-word cards

Encourage pupils and students of all ages to create better quality sentences in every topic area with this visual set of 9 commonly used conjunctions. Each conjunction is presented in a different coloured shape to stimulate interest and to aid recognition and recall. The words are provided as both flashcards and mini-word cards. Use one or more of the flashcards to introduce or consolidate the words, to stimulate longer sentences in whole class speaking activities, alongside other word cards to model sentence building, or for display. The sheets of mini-word cards group the conjunctions, so that you only need to print those you are most likely to require. Make up sets of conjunctions as a frequent-use resource in both speaking and writing tasks – ask pupils to select the conjunctions you wish them to use from the set, or challenge them by asking them to make a random selection. An attractive bright resource, to be used time and time again.
C'est combien - KS2 Unit of work

C'est combien - KS2 Unit of work

6 Resources
A complete KS2 French unit of work allowing pupils to apply and extend their knowledge of numbers within a context. Takes pupils from word to sentence level. Includes planning, powerpoint presentations, pupil sheets, games and stimulus materials for speaking, listening, reading and writing activities. Also provides detailed notes for use to support the non-specialist primary teacher. Clear links to the National Curriculum KS2 Programme of study and Languages in Primaries' KS2 Assessment Criteria enables teachers to monitor progress.
C'est combien Fortune Tellers - KS2 activity to practise asking for and giving prices

C'est combien Fortune Tellers - KS2 activity to practise asking for and giving prices

The Fortune Tellers are pre-printed templates which provide a fun speaking activity to practise numbers and asking for and giving prices of a small number of age-relevant items. 4 versions are provided to allow for differentiation. Clearly linked to the National Curriculum KS2 Programme of study and Languages in Primaries Assessment Criteria (available separately on TES), the Fortune Tellers can be used as a stand-alone resource but also form part of the C'est combien unit of work. The planning for the unit is available as a free resource.
C'est combien Reading and Writing - KS2 Resources and Activities for asking for and giving prices

C'est combien Reading and Writing - KS2 Resources and Activities for asking for and giving prices

This pack provides a range of reading and writing activities and resources to practise asking for and giving prices from word to sentence level. They offer a way for pupils to apply and extend their knowledge of numbers within a context. Written with the non-specialist primary teacher in mind, the pack includes detailed notes for use and exploitation of the resources as well as suggestions for differentiation. The resources are clearly linked to the National Curriculum KS2 Programme of study and Languages in Primaries KS2 Assessment Criteria (also available on TES) to enable teachers to accurately monitor progress. The pack also forms part of the C'est combien unit of work. The planning for the unit is available as a free resource.
C'est combien Powerpoint Presentations - KS2 introduction to prices in euros

C'est combien Powerpoint Presentations - KS2 introduction to prices in euros

A pack of 2, animated powerpoint presentations to introduce and practise prices in whole euros and/or euros and cents. The powerpoints exploit numbers 1-20 and multiples of 10 to 60 and a small number of age-relevant nouns. The pack includes detailed notes for use written with the non-specialist primary teacher in mind. It also forms part of the C'est combien unit of work. The planning for the unit is available as a free resource.
C'est combien Listening and Speaking - KS2 activities and resources for asking for and giving prices

C'est combien Listening and Speaking - KS2 activities and resources for asking for and giving prices

This pack provides a range of listening and speaking activities and resources to practise asking for and giving prices from word to sentence level. They offer a way for pupils to apply and extend their knowledge of numbers within a context. Written with the non-specialist primary teacher in mind, the pack includes detailed notes for use and exploitation of the resources as well as suggestions for differentiation. The resources are clearly linked to the National Curriculum KS2 Programme of study and Languages in Primaries KS2 Assessment Criteria (also available on TES) to enable teachers to accurately monitor progress. The pack also forms part of the C'est combien unit of work. The planning for the unit is available as a free resource.
C'est combien Bingo  - numbers in prices of  whole euros and euros and cents

C'est combien Bingo - numbers in prices of whole euros and euros and cents

A pack of 2 sets of bingo strips, each set comprising 4 different strips and each strip providing 3 games. One set practises comprehension of prices in euros from 1-20, the other prices in euros and cents, using multiples of 10 to 60. These bingo strips offer a way of applying and practising knowledge of numbers and can be used as part of a shopping topic or as a stand-alone activity. This resource also forms part of the C'est combien unit of work. The planning for the unit is available as a free resource.
C'est combien Lesson Planning - KS2 French unit of work on numbers and prices

C'est combien Lesson Planning - KS2 French unit of work on numbers and prices

Planning for a French unit of work which uses numbers 1-20 and multiples of 10 to 60 in prices, together with a small number of age-relevant nouns. The unit develops a number of aspects of the KS2 Programme of study and takes pupils from word to sentence level. The planning suggests the sequence for a series of lessons and details resources which could be used at each stage. It is written with the non-specialist primary teacher in mind, and the resources include detailed notes for use. The resources are available separately on TES and provide clear links to the Programme of study and KS2 Assessment criteria to enable progress to be monitored.
French pronouns - prompt cards and support cards for speaking activity

French pronouns - prompt cards and support cards for speaking activity

3 sets of prompt cards and support cards to encourage the selection, use and recognition of a range of French pronouns. The prompt cards can be used to practise the conjugation of any verbs with singular, plural or mixed pronouns. The support cards demonstrate the pronouns used in simple sentences in common topic areas but can easily be adapted for use in any context and to encourage more complex sentences. Notes for use included.
French Basics: Dates and Festivals

French Basics: Dates and Festivals

4 Resources
A collection of materials to present, practise and assess language based around French dates and festivals. Speaking, listening, reading and writing tasks to a variety of levels. Used together, builds language to good quality sentence level. Fully differentiated and with self-assessment and teacher assessment opportunities. Includes powerpoint presentations, worksheets, support mats and some teacher guidance.
French Basics - differentiated writing preparation and assessment task based on festivals and dates

French Basics - differentiated writing preparation and assessment task based on festivals and dates

Intended for upper KS2 or lower KS3, these resources offer a differentiated written outcome to a topic which includes dates and festivals, although they could be used as a stand-alone task with some pre-teaching. The Powerpoint presentation takes pupils through a staged preparation for the written assessment task, including differentiated challenges. The assessment task is provided in 3 differentiated versions, each with a specific outcome for self-assessment or teacher-assessment purposes. Developing sentence building and writing from memory, the materials could be used in conjunction with my other resources on festivals and dates to create a unit of work. NB. the Stages referred to in the resources relate to the LiP Assessment Criteria, also available on TES.
French Basics - French festivals: information and reading tasks

French Basics - French festivals: information and reading tasks

A powerpoint presentation which provides basic information in English about key French festivals and another which stages a reading activity based around the festivals. All resources for the reading task are differentiated and provided as powerpoint slides. Teacher notes to the slides are included for clarification. Develops dictionary and literacy skills as well expanding vocabulary and laying the foundations for translation. Editable.